It has been observed that the people around us have an impact on how we feel and behave. We feel the same emotion when we spend time with people who are upbeat and energetic. We can identify with them. But how often does one find themselves surrounded by positive people? Only very rarely. Furthermore, we find ourselves in the company of critics and negative thinkers. Their mindset influences ours. We end up being irrational, argumentative and complicate things. It’s also fascinating to observe how the behaviour of others affects us.
Here are a few examples; Your Boss is frustrated and is in a bad mood today. Whether Knowingly or Unknowingly, it impacts you and those around you. You might lose focus and interest. This can also cost a loss of productivity. At times you also get stressed hearing other people’s problems and difficulties. But how correct is it to stress yourself? For how long are you going to get affected by the people around you? One can avoid getting involved with people who have a negative outlook. It is not hard to distance oneself from pessimistic, arrogant, and irrational people. After all, they cost us our mental health and well-being. One must investigate options that help in becoming a rational individual. ‘Seekhlo’ offers you one such course on Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT).
It not only transforms your disturbing thoughts into healthy ones but also teaches you to deal with life effectively. Till then, here are a few tips to help you deal with these everyday stressors:
1. As much as possible, stay away from people who cause stress and think negatively.
2. Avoid watching provoking or upsetting news. It is okay not to know everything.
3. Keep in mind that we are the gatekeepers of our emotions. Remind yourself to think rationally.
4. Do not get yourself too engaged in others’ life stories. People mislead us to gain sympathy. Limit yourself from involving more than necessary.
5. Not every comment is to be taken personally every time. This will disturb you and leave you unhappy. Try not to get affected, by ignoring it.
6. Why let your past interfere with your present? Let bygones be bygones, as the saying goes. Self-blame is not going to make things better. Instead, it will just waste your time. Learn to let go.
7. Maintain positive self-talk.
8. All things in life do not go our way. Not always is our perspective acknowledged.
It is possible to withdraw from arguments and irritation, and avoid complications in relationships. To have a better understanding of our emotions and how they originate, join the course on REBT by Seekhlo today.
To Know More about REBT course visit : https://www.seekhlo.com/catalogue/rational-self-management-rebt-by-dr-anjali-joshi/
– Sai Kulkarni