Teen Talk
Excelling the art of communication with teenagers

- Available In English, हिंदी & मराठी
- Engaging animated videos
- Interactive activities
- Includes Certification
Rs 699
Rs 1,499
( inclusive of gst )
Excited to know what you will learn?
Teenage behaviour is often mind boggling. Sometimes they act so maturely, while other times they come across as impulsive, irresponsible, moody, bad tempered and unpredictable. Parents struggle to strike a friendly communication with them and often land up feeling helpless. There is a mind game between parents and teenage children which ends up with common dialogue such as “Today’s children, uff!” or “My parents belong to a different world!”
Parents worry about the impact of these behaviours on the academic performance of their children. However, there is a scientific explanation for this behaviour which if understood, can make the communication between parents and children meaningful and fulfilling. It can also create a conducive environment for their healthy growth and development. Good communication is the first step towards stronger relationships.
Through this short 1 hour course you will learn how the teenage brain works and, how to communicate effectively with teenagers.
So a big welcome to parents, teachers, mentors, and everyone who works with this age group.
Course Modules
- Duration: 1 hours
- Language: English
- 30 days access from when you start the course
- Animated videos
- Activities
- MCQs
- Downloadable resources
- Reference material
- Easy to administer and monitor for large organizations as well